It's not super pretty but it gets the job done and really that's what matters. I decided to fix that, so I've built my own reddit app and called it Dystopia. Anyways, I discovered recently (or more aptly two years ago) that no reddit apps on iOS really support accessibility/voice over well and frankly that's kinda crap. It's saved my life in ways I don't think I can begin to even talk about here. I LOVE reddit and honestly I don't know where I'd be without it. Long discussion of features and morals to follow. If you want to help, I would appreciate if you signed up over on TestFlight. I need help beta testing before I go official and launch it. Here's a YouTube demo of me using VoiceOver on AskReddit albeit slowly.

This is a long post so here's a quick too long didn't read: I built a reddit app, it's fully accessible through VoiceOver and supports dynamic type, and it's totally free and always will be.

The /r/blind community over on reddit reminded me of AppleVis. In the classic new user fashion, I'm not sure if this is the right section or even right website to post so let me know if I should post it somewhere else.