It's not a terrible workaround, but I'm confused why VSCode automatically uses the version of pip located within my C:\ drive instead of the version located within the venv. My current workaround is to change the directory within cmd to Z:\path\to\cwd\venv\Scripts and then run the pip install package command. Pip -version points to another location within a different drive: pip 23.1.2 from C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.10) where pip also points to: C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\pip.exe

You can add Python and the pip directory to the PATH in a bit. Screenshot: Ashley Gelwix If not, don’t worry. I have found a workaround but I would love to not have to use it. What do you do How to Fix Pip Command Not Found If you’ve just installed Python, you may want to rerun your Python installer and make sure you check the box Add Python 3.6 to PATH. Trying to install packages using pip inside my venv results in them being installed globally instead of within my venv.